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Comprehensive Veterinary Care at Niagara Falls Animal Medical Centre

At Niagara Falls Animal Medical Centre, we are dedicated to providing a full spectrum of services to ensure your pet's health and well-being. Our offerings include medical, dental, diagnostic, surgical, and preventive health care designed to help your pet lead a longer, healthier, and happier life. Whether you need wellness and vaccination programs or specialized treatment for specific health issues, our team is here to deliver the highest standard of care, including thorough dental cleanings and services.

We know that your pet is a cherished member of your family, and their health is paramount. Regular veterinary visits and examinations are essential to maintaining their overall well-being. Dental health, in particular, is crucial as poor oral hygiene can lead to serious health problems. Trust our compassionate and skilled professionals to provide exceptional veterinary care for your pet in Niagara Falls.

Ensure your pet receives attentive and quality care. Schedule an appointment with us today!

Dog having it's ears checked

Wellness Programs

One of the best things you can do for your pet is to keep him or her healthy. And one of the easiest and least expensive ways to do that is by bringing in your pet for regular exams.

black and white dog looking into camera

Spay and Neuter

For healthier, longer lives, you should have your pet spayed or neutered. These procedures offer positive benefits for their mental health and they will never know what they’re missing.

Dog being given a vaccination


To keep your pet up-to-date, we offer vaccinations to prevent rabies, parvovirus infections, distemper, adenovirus-2, influenza, and others. Have your pet vaccinated today!

cat having it's ears checked by veterinarian

Preventive Services

A simple way you can help keep your pet healthy is by protecting him or her against parasites. Heartworms, fleas, ticks, and other internal and external parasites are much more than just pests; they can cause life-threatening conditions in your pet—and cause severe, potentially fatal, health problems for you and your family.

puppy having it's arm bandaged by veterinarian


In addition to spaying and neutering, Niagara Falls Animal Medical Centre offers soft tissue and board-certified orthopedic (bone) surgical services. Our veterinary hospital performs biopsies, tumor removals, and other procedures requiring surgery.

dog having dental checkup by veterinarian

Pet Dentistry

Imagine what your mouth would feel like if you never brushed your teeth or went to the dentist. For many dogs and cats, this is a painful reality. Simply removing the plaque from the surface of the teeth is not an effective way to prevent periodontal disease. For your pet’s oral health, we clean under the gums, a task that requires general anesthetic.

cat wearing a cone around it's neck

Anesthesia and Monitoring

The veterinarians of Niagara Falls Animals Medical Centre are highly experienced in the use of general and local anesthetics. During and after the procedure, pets’ vital signs are continuously monitored to ensure they are comfortable and the anesthesia is functioning as it should.

microscopic image of a flea

Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and ticks on your pet probably mean you also have a flea and tick problem in your home. We can help you end the cycle and bring relief to you and your furry, floppy-eared friend.

morose dog

Pain Management

Just like humans, pets can experience pain that can make it excruciatingly painful to go about their daily routine — even if that routine only means watching the birds outside the window. Pain management is available in instances of trauma, as well as pre- and post-operative care.

puppy being held by a vet in a lab coat

Heartworm Disease

Heartworm disease or dirofilariasis is a serious and potentially fatal disease. It is caused by a blood-borne parasite known as Dirofilaria immitis. We have preventative products available.

dog being given an ultrasound by veterinarian


A non-invasive test, ultrasound is a safe way to produce an accurate picture of your pet’s internal anatomy. This test helps us to better diagnose diseases and illnesses.

Xray of an animals midsection


X-rays can help us identify the cause of your pet’s pain or discomfort. We now offer radiology services as a way to get valuable information about your pet’s condition.

Veterinarian looking into a microscope

On-Site Laboratory

At our on-site laboratory we are able to analyze blood, urine, feces and tissues samples in order to properly diagnose health concerns in your pets.

sleeping dog

Paliative Care

Veterinary palliative care is an alternative medical option in which a decision has been made to withdraw curative therapy for a life-limiting illness in your pet.

cat being checked by a veterinarian with a stethoscope

Internal Medicine

Our internal medicine department focuses on your pet’s medical history as well as current physical exams to evaluate and diagnose complex and challenging cases.

Ready to See Us? Book an Appointment!

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